One of the key financial issues in the offshore wind industry is the willingness of the industry’s big players to make long-term commitments. It is an industry that requires significant investment, and if it is to continue developing with top-of-the-line vessels, financial commitment from financially robust players is needed.
The benefits of dynamic positioning systems
Dynamic positioning systems offer many advantages over manual positioning systems. The automated system minimises the risk of error, allowing operations and maintenance vessels to be carefully and safely positioned alongside offshore wind turbines.
Offshore wind O&M is not just about the turbine
When considering maintenance issues in the offshore wind industry, it is important to look beyond just the offshore wind turbines themselves. Not only should wind farm owners and operators consider their equipment and balance of plant, but they need to use data from surveys and inspections in order to create a workable maintenance plan.
The future of operations & maintenance jack-up vessels
Offshore wind turbines are being installed in increasingly deeper waters and in a variety of sea bed types. One-size-fits-all jack-up vessels are unlikely to fulfill future needs.
How to plan for offshore wind turbine component replacement
Proper planning of the operation cannot be underestimated when replacing major components on offshore wind turbines. The many different elements and actors involved can make component replacement at sea a complex issue. This together with managing weather conditions, make planning vital to an efficient process.
Key considerations when replacing offshore wind turbine components
When loading offshore wind turbine components onto vessels in ports, the condition of the harbour seabed is an important factor.
Out at sea, currents and wind conditions have a major effect on the positioning of the vessel next to the wind turbine. Dynamic positioning technologies are often very useful.
The preloading process includes testing whether the seabed can support a jack-up vessel’s legs.
Health and safety is more than just a helmet and shoes
Health and safety is more than just wearing a helmet and safety shoes. Offshore wind farm owners and operators need to be thinking about it already at the contract negotiation stage, so they can bring it into their scheduling plans and consider how it will affect the financing of the project.